On Tuesday, January 5th, 2021, Senator Anthony J. Portantino held an informational panel for viewers on how to apply for the COVID-19 Relief Grant, which is being distributed through Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and Lendistry. Small business owners are invited apply for the grant, which the first round will close Janurary 13th, 2021 at 11:59 PM. Below you will find the video from the panel webinar that goes over the entire application process, as well as links that will take you to more specific sections of the video.
Additionally, viewers of the webinar asked questions and recieved answers live in the chatbox. That file is attached and can answer many of your own questions: sbdc_webinar_chat_room_questions_002.docx
SBDC California COVID-19 Relief Grant Webinar:
Definition of Small Business and Nonprofit
How Recipients will be Determined