SB 2 Firearms - Signed Into Law
Implements improvements to CA's existing concealed carry weapon regime in response to the US Supreme Court decision in New York Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen.
SB 53 Income taxes: tax credits: motion picture credit - In Committee Process
Will make nonsubstantive changes to the motion picture credit.
SB 96 Historic Venue Restoration and Resiliency Act - Signed Into Law
Will use the sales and use tax revenues generated by historic venues that host live events for reinvestment in historic preservation activities, including, but not limited to, maintenance, renovations, and technological retrofits that enhance safety for patrons. Historic venue is defined as a structure built before1940 that is officially designated by the United States National Park Service or the United States Department of the Interior as a National Historic Landmark or is located at a site continuously used for live, ticketed events for more than 50 years.
SB 98 Education finance: additional education funding - In Committee Process
Will provide supplemental funding to local education agencies, including school districts, charter schools and county offices of education, based on average daily enrollment as opposed to attendance.
SB 234 Opioid Antagonists: stadiums, concert venues, and amusement parks - Signed Into Law
Requires each amusement park, concert venue, and stadium maintain, at all times, unexpired doses of naloxone hydrochloride or any other opioid antagonist on its premises and ensure that at least two employees are aware of the location of the naloxone hydrochloride or other opioid antagonist.
SB 257 Health care coverage: diagnostic imaging - Vetoed
Will provide coverage without imposing cost-sharing for medically necessary diagnostic breast imaging, including diagnostic breast imaging following an abnormal mammography and for an enrollee indicated to have a genetic risk factor associated with breast cancer, including family history or known genetic mutation.
SB 301 Vehicular air pollution: Zero-Emission Aftermarket Conversion Project - In Committee Process
Will provide a rebate to encourage people to convert their gas-powered vehicle into a Zero Emission Vehicle.
SB 323 Comprehensive school safety plans: individualized safety plans - Signed Into Law
Requires the individualized education program (IEP) for a pupil with exceptional needs to include, if the procedures in the comprehensive school safety plan are insufficient to ensure the pupil’s safety in an emergency at the pupil’s current school site, a description of the necessary accommodations to those procedures.
SB 357 Vehicles: physician and surgeon reporting - In Committee Process
Would require the department, in cooperation with the State Department of Public Health and in consultation with appropriate professional medical organizations, to guide reporting so that diagnosed cases reported are only those where there is reason to believe that the patients’ conditions are likely to impair their ability to operate a motor vehicle.
SB 368 Firearms: requirements for licensed dealers - Signed Into Law
Requires that a licensed firearms dealer accept for storage a firearm transferred by an individual to prevent it from being used during periods of crisis or heightened risk to the owner of the firearm or members of their household. Prohibits a licensed firearms dealer from offering an opportunity to win an item of inventory in a game dominated by chance (i.e.: raffle) and would except from this prohibition nonprofit organizations under certain circumstances. Also extends the 10-year prohibition on owning a firearm by an additional 10 years if an individual is found to be in violation within the initial 10 years.
SB 411 Open meetings: teleconferences: neighborhood councils - Signed Into Law
Ensure that the City of Los Angeles’s Neighborhood Councils can continue serving their constituents virtually by extending appropriate COVID-19 pandemic provisions. Virtual meetings have allowed much easier access to appointed or elected bodies of local agencies with far more members of the public participating in each meeting. This has created greater equity in the process and fostered the health of our democracy.
SB 422 California Environmental Quality Act: expedited environmental review: climate change regulations - In Committee Process
Will expedite the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process for projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, incorporate pollution control equipment, and meet energy efficiency standards.
SB 427 Health care coverage: antiretroviral drugs, devices, and products - In Committee Process
Will eliminate cost-sharing and reduce access barriers to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) in health insurance coverage.
SB 445 Special education: individualized education programs: translation services - In Committee Process
Will require a local education agency (LEA) upon request by a parent to translate the completed Individualized Education Plan (IEP) as well as any revisions to the IEP in the native language of the parent(s) within 30 days of being requested.
SB 467 Community colleges: apprenticeship or internship training programs - Signed Into Law
Prohibits a community college from denying a student access to a career technical education program based on their use of an individual tax identification number in the background check for the associated internship or apprenticeship program.
SB 480 School districts: pilot programs: Korean Meister high school system - In Committee Process
Will require the Superintendent Public Instruction, with the approval of the state board, to select 3 geologically diverse school districts to implement a pilot program at one high school within the school district based upon the Korean Meister Program.
SB 509 School employee and pupil training: youth mental and behavioral health: mental health education - Vetoed
Will require the California Department of Education to eensure that 100 percent of classified and 40 percent certificated employees on school campuses complete an evidence-based behavioral health training program.
SB 538 Department of Transportation: Chief Advisor on Bicycling and Active Transportation - Signed Into Law
Requires the director of the California Department of Transportation to appoint a Bicycle Czar, who shall serve as the department’s chief advisor on all issues related to bicycle transportation, safety, and infrastructure.
SB 551 Mental health boards - In Committee Process
Will radd a requirement that Mental Health Boards with 9 or more members have 2 members that fall into the age category of a child or transition-age youth, and 2 members that are public school employees. Boards with 5-8 members must have 1 member of each category. The bill will clarify that no more than 49% of the members of a Mental Health Board may have a personal financial interest in programs funded in a proposed or adopted MHSA plan.
SB 596 School employees: protection - Vetoed
Will protect teachers from threats, harassment, or similar conduct, in their daily life away from a school site or after school hours for reasons related to their official duties.
SB 607 Self-funded student health care coverage - In Committee Process
Will authorize a student health plan operated by a bona fide, private, nonprofit institution of higher learning to operate in California if the institution files a yearly report with the Director of the Department of Managed Health Care that certifies specified information under penalty of perjury.
SB 640 California State University: food service contracts and hotel development projects - Vetoed
Will require the trustees of the California State University, for each food service contract and participation in a hotel development contract, to require the person or entity contracting with the trustees and each food service employer or hotel employer, to be party to a labor peace agreement with any labor organization that represents or seeks to represent food service employees performing work under the food service contract or hotel employees at the hotel development project.
SB 671 School safety plans: dangerous, violent, or unlawful activities - Signed Into Law
Expands the Interagency School Safety Demonstration Act by establishing cross reporting between the schools, county office of education and law enforcement agencies when there is a serious school threat.
SB 691 Dyslexia risk screening - In Committee Process
Will help eliminate inequities of opportunity by requiring all local educational agencies serving students in grades kindergarten to grade 2 to annually screen every student for risk of dyslexia unless parents or guardians choose not to have their child screened. It will also require the State Board of Education (SBE) to establish an approved list of evidence-based culturally, linguistically, and developmentally-appropriate screening instruments to be used by school districts to screen pupils for the risk of dyslexia.
SB 696 Notaries public - Signed Into Law
Increases consumer access to 24/7 notarial services, improve physical safety while making transactions, and ensure California leads the way in adapting a safe and secure RON system.
SB 712 Tenancy: micromobility devices - Signed Into Law
Prohibits a landlord from prohibiting a tenant from owning personal micromobility devices or from storing up to one personal micromobility device in their dwelling unit for each person occupying the unit, subject to certain conditions and exceptions. The bill would define “personal micromobility device” for those purposes to mean a device that is powered by the physical exertion of the rider or an electric motor and is designed to transport one individual or one adult accompanied by up to 3 minors.
SB 765 Teachers: retired teachers: compensation limitation - Signed Into Law
Bolsters the California teacher pipeline by: codifying exemptions for retired teachers that was allowed under Executive Order N-12-21, allowing school districts to waive the 180-day waiting period and the salary cap for retired teachers and administrators, waiving the financial need requirement for 1,000 Cal Grant Awards to be awarded to pupils pursuing the teaching profession.
SB 786 Prescription drug pricing - Signed Into Law
Prohibits a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) from discriminating against a Covered Entitie (CE) by imposing requirements, conditions or exclusions that are not imposed on a non-CE provider or otherwise preventing a CE from retaining the benefit of the 340B pricing on prescription drugs.
SB 799 Unemployment Insurance for Striking Workers - Vetoed
Would restore eligibility after the first 2 weeks for an employee who left work because of a trade dispute. The bill would codify specified case law that holds that employees who left work due to a lockout by the employer, even if it was in anticipation of a trade dispute, are eligible for benefits. The bill would specify that the bill’s provisions do not diminish eligibility for benefits of individuals deprived of work due to an employer lockout or similar action.
SB 805 Health care coverage: pervasive developmental disorders or autism - Signed Into Law
Expands the criteria for a qualified autism service professional to include a behavioral health professional and a registered, certified, or licensed health care associate or assistant. The bill would expand the criteria for a qualified autism service paraprofessional to include a behavioral health paraprofessional.
SB 834 Housing: California Family Home Construction and Homeownership Bond Act of 2023 - In Committee Process
Will enact the California Family Home Construction and Homeownership Bond Act of 2023 (bond act), which, if adopted, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $25,000,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance the California Family Home Construction and Homeownership Program, established as part of the bond act.