All News

Friday, February 1 2019

State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D-La Canada Flintridge) has selected Rose Queen Louise Deser Siskel to represent the 25th State Senate District, which includes Pasadena, in the 2019 California Legislative Women’s Caucus Woman of the Year recognition awards.

Every year, the California State Legislature honors one woman from each district and invites them to a recognition ceremony in Sacramento. Senator Portantino said he is honored that Siskel has agreed to represent the 25th Senate District.

Thursday, January 31 2019

La Cañada Flintridge will be able to take an important first step in restoring its Flint Canyon Trail — a vital connector path threatened by downslope erosion — after receiving Monday a $300,000 grant from the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.

State Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge) is one of several regional legislative participants for the conservancy. At Monday’s SMMC board meeting, he spoke in favor of the grant via a conference call. He later told the Valley Sun it would help the city create a plan of action.

Thursday, January 31 2019

Pasadena-area State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D-La Canada Flintridge) continued his ongoing offensive against gun-related accidents and violence with the introduction of a bill making the improper firearm storage in a house with a minor, or prohibited person, a crime.

The idea behind the legislation is the prevention of accidental firearm deaths, suicides, and senseless acts of violence in the home.

Tuesday, January 29 2019

Sacramento, California -  Early in the 2019 legislative session Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D–La Cañada Flintridge) is continuing his leadership for sensible gun control. This week, he introduced SB 172, which would require stronger storage safety of all firearms within the home. Specifically, the bill would make it a crime of criminal storage if an unloaded or loaded firearm were present in the home of a minor or a prohibited person and not safely stored.

Monday, January 28 2019

Glendale, California – Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D–La Cañada Flintridge) has selected Rose Queen Louise Deser Siskel of San Marino as the 25th State Senate District 2019 Women of the Year. Every year during the California State Legislature honors one woman from each district and honors then in a ceremony.  This year, Senator Portantino is honored that Ms. Siskel has agreed to proudly represent the 25th Senate District.