Universities Honor Senator Anthony Portantino as Policymaker of the Year

Monday, October 24 2022

For Immediate Release: October 24, 2022

Contact: Lerna Shirinian, (818) 409-0400


Universities Honor Senator Anthony Portantino as Policymaker of the Year

Sacramento, California – Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – Burbank) was named the 2022 Policymaker of the Year by the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU).   Senator Portantino received the honor during AICCU’s Annual Meeting.  He was recognized for his dedication and leadership to ensure that California’s diverse student population has access to affordable higher education.

“I am honored to receive the AICCU Policymaker of the Year Award,” stated Senator Portantino. “I was proud to work with AICCU on legislation over the last several years that benefits students who attend independent colleges and universities. It’s critical that we advance policies that prepare and educate our workforce, help close the equity gap among our student population, and ensure equal opportunity for students to thrive at institutions of higher education across California - all goals shared by AICCU member schools.”

Senator Portantino has long been a champion of policies that expand access to higher education. This year, he successfully advocated for the expansion of Cal Grants for low income and foster youth students attending private nonprofit campuses.

“We are grateful for Senator Portantino’s continued advocacy for and commitment to our students,” AICCU President Kristen Soares. “Thanks to his authorship of SB 851 and his push to include its provisions in the 2022-23 State Budget, our students are able to see growth in their Cal Grant awards and equitable access to two important supplemental programs for current and former foster youth and student parents.”

The Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) is comprised of 86 independent, nonprofit colleges and universities, which make up the Independent California Colleges and Universities (ICCU) sector. AICCU institutions provide tremendous regional access and provide affordable opportunities for California students. AICCU institutions enroll more than 27,000 Cal Grant students each year and will continue to advocate for these diverse, hardworking students who need affordable, regional access to a four-year institution.
