Senator Anthony J. Portantino Statement on Violence Along Armenian-Azerbaijan Border

Tuesday, July 14 2020

Reports of recent aggressive actions taken by Azerbaijan at the Armenian border destabilize and adversely affect peace in the region. I extend my prayers for the families of the soldiers lost due to this unnecessary violence. The US State Department issued the following statement of condemnation: “The United States condemns in the strongest terms the violence along the Armenia-Azerbaijan international border. We urge the sides to stop using force immediately, use the existing direct communication links between them to avoid further escalation, and strictly adhere to the ceasefire.”

California is home to a vibrant Armenian American Community and my District is home to many Artsakh and Armenian veterans of the Nagorno-Karabakh fight for Independence. Their efforts over the past 30 years should not be undermined today. I encourage the US State Department to be more proactive in preserving peace in the region and all parties to cease fire.

Having personally visited Artsakh patriots at the border, I join the chorus of voices calling on Azerbaijan to allow international OSCE monitoring, immediately end all hostility and return to international peace negotiations. We are in an unprecedented international pandemic; this is the time for all of us to embrace peace over violent conflict.

Hon. Anthony J. Portantino
California State Senator, 25th District





PDF Copy of Statement: 2020.7.14_senator_anthony_portantino_statement_on_violence_along_armenia-azerbaijan_border_final.pdf