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Tuesday, January 30 2018

California Lawmakers Move To Grant Whistleblower Protections To Staff: The California Legislature finally appears set to enact whistleblower protections for legislative employees — and in some cases, even lobbyists. Those efforts repeatedly failed in previous years before the #MeToo movement took hold.

The women and men who work here demand we do better,” said the bill’s author, Democratic Sen. Anthony Portantino.

Friday, January 26 2018

SACRAMENTO—Senator Anthony J. Portantino on Wednesday sent out a letter to his Senate and Assembly colleagues in the Capitol urging them to resist increased lobby efforts put forth by the Government of Azerbaijan.

Wednesday, January 24 2018

Sacramento, California – Today, Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) sent out a letter to his Senate and Assembly colleagues in the Capitol urging them to resist increased lobby efforts put forth by the Government of Azerbaijan.  Portantino became alarmed by the increasing presence of the Azeri Government in Sacramento and in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, January 23 2018

During a Jan. 9 hearing, Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-La Cañada Flintridge, and Connie Leyva, D-Chino, presented the Legislative Discriminatory Harassment Retaliation Prevention Act, S.B. 419, which would declare that state legislators can't retaliate against legislative advocates or employees who opposed unlawful discriminatory practices.

Thursday, January 18 2018

PASADENA—The Pasadena chapter of the Armenian National Committee of America, started off the year with its traditional annual Holiday Reception on Thursday, January 11, with a capacity crowd at the Pasadena Armenian Center. In attendance were city and state officials, supporters, friends, and prominent members of the Armenian American community.