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Tuesday, March 13 2018

As we near the mid-way point of National Women’s Month, the California State Legislature recognized women from across the state who have served their regional communities with outstanding distinction. Today, Monday, March 12 2018, California Democratic Senator, Anthony J. Portantino of La Cañada Flintridge, brought his 25th district’s 2018 Woman of the Year, Glendale California City Manager, Yasmin Beers onto the floor of the Legislature for a special presentation.

Monday, March 12 2018

Documents released in February, showing current and former California legislators had been accused of sexual misbehavior and other harassment, weren’t released under the California Public Records Act.

Instead, the Legislature has its own, more restrictive public records law: the Legislative Open Records Act.

Tuesday, March 6 2018

Glendale, California – Senator Anthony J. Portantino, D – La Cañada Flintridge has selected Glendale City Manager Yasmin Beers as the 2018 Woman of the Year. She is the first woman to serve as city manager and her role is to supervise nearly 2000 city employees. Formerly, she has served as the city’s Chief Operating Officer, the Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager and Interim City Manager.

Thursday, March 1 2018

The chairman of the state Senate’s budget subcommittee on education and three other Democratic senators are proposing to add $1.2 billion to what Gov. Jerry Brown is budgeting for the Local Control Funding Formula. It’s the first stake in the ground in what could be protracted negotiations over ongoing education spending in the governor’s final state budget.

Thursday, March 1 2018

Even though California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, an 18-year-old can still buy an AR-15 rifle as long as it lacks a detachable magazine and other features that define it under state law as an assault weapon.

But after a 19-year-old man allegedly used a legally purchased AR-15 to kill 17 students and staffers last month at a high school in Parkland, Fla., California legislators began turning their attention to the age issue.