Current Affairs and EDD Townhall with Portantino, Schiff, and Su

On October 19th 2020 Senator Anthony J. Portantino, Congressman Adam Schiff and CA Labor Secretary Julie Su held a townhall meeting to discuss current affais and provide unemployment updates to viewers. People were able to send in their questions ahead of time for the members to discuss. Topics of the elections, benefits and coronavirus updates were discussed. The townhall was moderated by the former Mayor of Burbank, Marsha Ramos. 


Below you will find a video of the entire townhall, which lasted just under an hour. If you would like to watch clips of specific questions, those are found under the video.


Full Townhall Conversation:



Adam Schiff Opening Statements

Secretary Julie Su Opening Statements

Senator Anthony J. Portantino Opening Statements

Question 1: Do you have any innovative solutions to repair the pandemic's economic devastation?

Question 2: Many people aren't wearing masks. What is our administrative remedy?

Question 3: Please discuss AB5, and your positions on the law, and its negative effect on the ability of Californians to work from home.

Question 4: Are there any plans to simplify the EDD website?

Question 5: What are you doing to help small businesses during this pandemic?

Question 6: How can the US help stop the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh?

Closing Thoughts - Secretary Su

Closing Thoughts - Senator Portantino

Closing Thoughts & Final Question - Adam Schiff